Climate News
分享各種環保節日和時事 Sharing environmental holidays & related issues with you!
Environmental Issues in Taiwan
Many people may know various international important environmental protection days, so in this month, we are going to have a serial articles about what environmental issues Taiwan pays an attention to in 2024.
1. Changhua Coastal Wetland designated as an Internationally Important Wetland
Changhua Coastal is the largest muddy wetland area in Taiwan. Within the last ten years, along with the development of land at a relatively lower cost, solar power plants, petrochemical developments, and wind farms all marked this area as their target. It was a dilemma in choice, ecological protection, or industrial development. For quite some time, one had often had to be sacrificed for the other. The Changhua Environmental Alliance has continually called for the importance of wetland protection. Some in opposition even argued that it would affect local development adversely, the government finally recognized the challenges this coastline has been facing and announced to declare it an internationally important wetland this year.
2. Marine Conservation Law
This policy encompasses the demarcation, management, and restoration processes of marine ecosystems.
3. Agricultural Solar Energy Policy
You can even elaborate more on this point, giving additional information on its goals and implications. These ventures are a reflection of Taiwan's commitment to the balance of environmental protection and sustainable development.
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
*CFCl3 + hν → CFCl2 + Cl(游離
Cl· + O3 → ClO· + O2
ClO· + O3 → Cl· + 2 O2
The ozone layer is situated in the stratosphere some 20 to 30 kilometers above the Earth's surface, forming a shield that protects against most harmful UV radiation. Too much UV increases the risk of skin cancer and cataracts, while it is particularly damaging to the balance of ecosystems. However, since the general use of such refrigerants began, the approximate rate of ozone layer depletion has been 4% every decade, giving rise to "ozone holes."
Therefore, the protection of the ozone layer has become a critical global issue to be confronted internationally.
The main culprit for the destruction of ozone is chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs for short. The following are the chemical reactions involved:
The following reactions illustrate in detail how CFCs contribute to the depletion of atmospheric ozone*CFCl3 + hν → CFCl2 + Cl (Ionization
Cl· + O3 → ClO· + O2
ClO· + O3 → Cl· + 2 O2
Earth Overshoot Day
地球超載日=(地球的生物承載力/人類的生態足跡)x 365
The Global Footprint Network calculates Earth Overshoot Day every year, and it marks the exact date when humanity's demand for natural resources in a particular year exceeds what the Earth can regenerate for that year.
The formula to calculate Earth Overshoot Day is given by:
Earth Overshoot Day = (Earth's biocapacity/Humanity's ecological footprint) × 365
This measure serves to raise awareness of resource use and the need for practices that would keep our consumption within the supply of the planet's resources2024.08.02
2024/07/22 破史上最熱的紀錄了,而且2024也是最熱的一年! 上次破紀錄的時間為2023/07/03,已經是19世紀以來的新高了,然而化石燃料的不斷使用,今年全球平均氣溫卻已經到達攝氏17.09度。公眾應該要更加關注氣候問題,積極參與環保行動啊!!
It beat the record on July 22, 2024, making 2024 the hottest year ever! On July 3, 2023, it already gained the record as the highest since the 19th century. Continuous use of fossil fuels drove the global average temperature this year to reach 17.09 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the public should put more attention on climate issues and join some environmental actions!!
World Environment Day
5 June is the World Environment Day. The celebration is established by the United Nations in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972, it is the largest international environmental event. It is designed to protect the enviornment, biodiversity, health, and economy. The theme setted this year is "Land restoration desertification and drought resilience". The organization strive to restore degraded land, reduce the negative impact on extreme weather, also alleviate poverty.
International Day for Biological Diversity
Every year, the Convention on Biological Diversity recognizes May 22 as International Day for Biological Diversity. Plant and animal biodiversity is classified into three categories: genetic, species, and ecosystem. The decline of species is mostly due to human activity.
The topic of 2024 is "Biodiversity: A Shared Responsibility." Everyone is responsible for maintaining biodiversity.2024.05.22
Earth Day
世界地球日(4月22日)。在1969 年 1 月,加州聖塔芭芭拉外海的一座油井爆炸,因超過 1130 萬公升的油外洩,導致眾多生物失去生命且附近海灘受到嚴重污染。因此在這一天美國人們達成愛護地球、停止破壞的共識,參加環境保護遊行運動。
因為全球塑膠已超過處理塑膠廢物的數量,且《全球塑膠公約》預計在2024年底制定完成,達成減塑的目標,因此今年的主題訂為「多一塑不如少一塑」,並推動更耐用且可回收的材質(相關材料可參考本網站「永續材料Sustainable Materials」專欄。
The origin of Earth Day on April 22 was actually from the sudden occurrence of a great environmental accident. In January 1969, an off-shore oil well off Santa Barbara, California, burst and spilled a continuous amount of more than 11.3 million gallons of oil. While it killed millions of marine species, the toxic content of oil gravelessly polluted all beaches in the vicinity. That day became the dedication for Americans to save Earth and stop environmental destruction through environmental protection marches.
Today, the world's plastic crisis outpaces our ability to handle plastic waste. In celebration of the completion of the Global Plastics Treaty at the end of 2024-to reduce plastic consumption-this year's slogan is "Less Plastic is Better." The campaign promotes using more durable and recyclable material. - The following materials are relevant to the topic "Sustainable Materials".
International Day of Forests
Massive numbers of trees in forests store enormous amounts of carbon. All of the carbon in the burned and chopped trees is primarily converted to carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, which has a strong warming effect. In addition to storing carbon, forests also control temperature, stop erosion, stop desertification, and support new life.
But every year, a lot of forest area continues to go. Statistics show that between 2010 and 2015, the net loss of natural forests—which are primarily found in the tropical zone—reached an average of 6.6 million hectares annually. Road construction, land reclamation, and commercial clearance are the primary causes of the loss of tropical forests.2024.03.21
World Wetlands Day
世界濕地日(2月2日)由Ramser濕地會議設立,這個設立是為了紀念1971/2/2 拉薩姆公約的簽訂,這個公約致力於透過當地、區域和國家的行動方案,以及國際間的協作,來持續保護和妥善利用濕地資源。每個締約國必須在自己國家的土地利用計劃中加入濕地保護的理念,並制定、執行政策。另外,每個締約國至少要選出一個「國際重要濕地」,以負起共同保護的責任。
World Wetlands Day, February 2, was instituted by the Ramsar Convention to commemorate the signing of the Ramsar Convention on February 2, 1971. The Convention seeks to ensure the effective protection and use of wetland resources through local, regional, and national action plans coupled with international cooperation. Each Contracting Party is obliged to incorporate principles of wetland conservation in land-use planning and to develop and undertake relevant policies. Each party shall also designate at least one "Wetland of International Importance" to assume shared protection responsibilities.
Because wetland conservation cannot depend on one international organization alone, the Ramsar Convention has embarked on collaboration with five international NGOs: BirdLife International, International Union for Conservation of Nature, International Water Management Institute, Wetlands International, and World Wildlife Fund.
Every year, the World Wetlands Day slogan or theme varies with respect to changing climate issues and areas of concern. For example, in 2012 it was "Wetlands and Tourism," while for 2024, it is "Wetland Green Treasure for Future Generations."2024.02.02
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum published a risk assessment report on January 10, 2024, identifying the top ten global threats for the ensuing two years. Extreme weather occurrences came in first, then drastic alterations to Earth's systems, biodiversity loss, and ecological imbalance. These hazards are directly linked to climate change, which is currently receiving a lot of attention on a global scale.
These hazards endanger social and economic stability in addition to having an effect on the environment. In order to address these issues and find ways to lessen their consequences while advancing sustainable development, nations must cooperate.2024.01.10
Conference of the Parties
The Conference of the Parties is the supreme governing body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Members meet annually to examine whether Parties to the Treaty by the parties and discuss regulations based on the status of climate change. The conference is held annually in different countries, starting with COP1, and so on. This year's conference, COP28, is taking place in the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's largest oil-producing countries, where petroleum issues are actively discussed.
*UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Currently, global fossil fuel production have far exceeded the limitation. To address this issue, countries should take various measures, including stop subsiding to fossil fuels and leving windfall taxes on fossil fuel companies. Oil and gas-exporting countries, primarily participated in OPEC, are affected by restrictions on oil exports.
*windfall tax: A tax imposed on industries with unreasonably high profits.
*‘Paris Agreement' have mentioned : Countries take part in the United Nations must cooperate to limit the rise in average global temperature to below 1.5 degrees Celsius. In recent years, the global temperature increases at 1.2 degrees annually; however, this year's rise has already reached 1.5 degrees.
Other issues discussed include:
·Industrialized countries, mainly in Europe and North America, are the major emitters, while small or island nations are compelled to bear the brunt of severe climate disasters.
·Political tensions between China and the United States can also influence the progress of controling the increase of the .